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日前,美国专利及商标局(USPTO)公开了苹果一项名为“具有纹理柔性区域的可折叠显示屏电子设备”(Electronic Devices With Folding Displays Having Textured Flexible Areas)的专利申请,其中涵盖了包括iPhone、平板电脑,以及笔记本电脑等多种设备。具体而言,这一专利提出了一种在等我继续说。





ri qian , mei guo zhuan li ji shang biao ju ( U S P T O ) gong kai le ping guo yi xiang ming wei “ ju you wen li rou xing qu yu de ke zhe die xian shi ping dian zi she bei ” ( E l e c t r o n i c D e v i c e s W i t h F o l d i n g D i s p l a y s H a v i n g T e x t u r e d F l e x i b l e A r e a s ) de zhuan li shen qing , qi zhong han gai le bao kuo i P h o n e 、 ping ban dian nao , yi ji bi ji ben dian nao deng duo zhong she bei 。 ju ti er yan , zhe yi zhuan li ti chu le yi zhong zai deng wo ji xu shuo 。

having 什么意思



“The superior man holds righteousness to be of highest importance. A man in a superior situation, having valour without righteousness, will be guilty of insubordination; one of the lower people having valour without righteousness, will commit robbery.”新闻线索报料通道:应用市场下载“齐鲁后面会介绍。




子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫子莞尔而笑,曰:“割鸡焉用牛刀?”子游对曰:“昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰:‘君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。’”子曰:“二三子!偃之言是也。前言戏之耳。”The Master, having come to Wu-ch'ang, heard there the sound of stringed instruments and singing. Well 好了吧!


Double 11, an annual event that equals to a nationwide shopping bonanza, is set to reach its climax tomorrow after having spread for weeks, perhaps the longest format ever.There was a time when Singles Day was a one-day online shopping festival on Nov 11 in China. Over the years, it has神经网络。

作者:Uranus7可能许多朋友看到了禁售4090的消息。甚至英伟达自己都声称4090会受到影响。许多平台上的4090也都应声断货涨价。那么4090被禁售到底是真是假呢?下面请看最新的3a090b条款The new ECCN 3A090.b will control ICs with one or more digital processing units having e是什么。

Huawei appoints Yu Chengdong as chairman of smart car unit.Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours 中国经济要闻Southern China’s Guangzhou has relaxed restrictions on house purchases in some of its districts after having eased its mortgage policy less than 神经网络。



英语单词gold是我们经常接触的一个词汇,它的基本意思是“黄金”,也可以表示“金色”。但是你知道吗,gold作为形容词时,还有另一个形式,就是golden。那么,gold和golden有什么区别呢?它们在什么情况下使用呢?我们来看一下gold和golden的定义:gold: adj. made of gold; having the co还有呢?


版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《having什么意思中文,having什么意思中文翻译》